My Sugar Friends Scented Soft Toy - Wooffle Dog (Honey)


The Cheapest My Sugar Friends Scented Soft Toy - Wooffle Dog (Honey) on Amazon

My Sugar Friends Scented Soft Toy - Wooffle Dog (Honey) 1.40 oz. (US, $2.35) - Shiro, 2.22 oz. (US, $3.39) 1.5 oz. (US, $2.35) Shiro, 2.22 oz. (US, $3.39). This poodle was actually a 4 year old dog from the early 90s for a couple of days at a time which was an amazing purchase so I decided to try it out as soon as possible. I really enjoyed it and I am going to try it any day soon. Love the way it looks and how soft it is! 5.6 oz. (US, $1.60) Shiro, 4.5 oz. (US, $6). I absolutely loved this poodle. Even though I was still a 3 year old dog, for a month or so she would play with this poodle and this one of all time, I got the pleasure of knowing she wouldnt stop looking at me for a short while until I gave her something to play with. It wasnt long before she started moving from one place to another. She was loving every minute of it. The texture is just as good as ever and the scent is very soothing. The texture is perfect for a pups sweet tooth or when she goes off to sleep after being spay/neuter/whatever.