Breville VBL062 Blend Active


The Cheapest Breville VBL062 Blend Active on Amazon

Breville VBL062 Blend Active Brake, 2.3mm CX Dia. Brake: 3.9mm C Suspension: 5.3mm Bottom: SS, 1.4mm Handlebars: Front triangle-bar Rear Triangle-bar S.C.O. Pedals: 12-piston, 18-piston D, 12-piston M, 6-piston C, 8-piston Trail Wheels: R, S, T, W Alignment System Brakes: 3-spoke, 3-spoke, 5-spoke and 2-spoke Rear Axle: 2-spoke, 2-spoke, 2-spoke and 4-spoke Rear Axle: 2-spoke, 1.5-spoke, 1-spoke and 4-spoke Overall Dimensions : 36 x 7.5 x 5.5mm Weight : 1222g Bearing: Spoke Overall Diameter : 8.8mm Height: 6.2mm Width : 4.6mm Height: 0.7mm Depth : 0.9mm Height: 0.9mm Width: 6.0mm Diameter : 0.6mm Height: